Holding hands with a loved one has an anaesthetising effect on pain

Holding hands with a loved one has an anaesthetising effect on pain. How holding hands with a lover or just looking at their picture reduces a woman's pain.

Holding hands with a lover, or even just looking at a photograph of them, dulls women's reaction to physical pain, say scientists.

When young women were given a mild burn in experiments, they felt less discomfort if looking at a picture of their boyfriend than if they looked at a photo of an object or a stranger.

A young couple holding hands (file picture)

Holding hands with a loved one has an anaesthetising effect on pain

A similar anaesthetising effect was found if they held hands with their partners, but the effect was not matched if they held a stranger's hand or squeezed a stress ball.

Psychologists at the University of California, Los Angeles, said their study, published in the journal Psychological Science, 'underscores the importance of social relationships and staying socially connected'.

The 25 volunteers were mostly UCLA students who had been in a good relationship with their boyfriends for at least six months

The findings may have uses for childbirth, where the father's presence in the delivery room could reduce the mother's pain.

Or if he is squeamish - and brave - he could simply try giving his expectant partner a photo.

They may also explain why a mother can apparently give instant comfort to a poorly child by 'kissing it better'.

The researchers gave advice to anyone suffering pain or stress: 'If you cannot bring a loved one with you, a photo may do instead.' ( dailymail.co.uk )

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